Ass. Prof. Mariana Wohlfahrtová, MD, Ph.D.
Dr. Mariana Wohlfahrtová (Urbanová) is a specialist in practical medicine and nephrology with years of experience.
Learn morePersonal Information
Date of birth
Medical Employment
2021 - PRESENT
General Practioner, Nephrologist
Concierge Medicine Europe, Praha
Concierge Medicine Europe, Praha
2021 - 2022
General Practioner
Prague - Uhříněves
Prague - Uhříněves
2019 - 2020
Nephrologist, General Practioner
Canadian Medical Care, Prague
Canadian Medical Care, Prague
Visiting Clinician
Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
2015 - 2020
Lecturer of Nephrology
1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General Faculty Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General Faculty Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
2015 - 2020
Deputy Head for Science and Research
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
2015 - 2016
Head of Transplant Outpatient Clinic
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
2012 - 2020
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
Research Fellow
Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Transplant Center, Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Transplant Center, Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
2010 - 2012
Fellowship in Nephrology
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic
2006 - 2010
Residency in Internal Medicine
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Nephrology, Transplant Center, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
Education And Qualifications
General Practioner Board Exam
Institut for Postgradual Education, Prague, Czech Republic
Institut for Postgradual Education, Prague, Czech Republic
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
1st Medical Faculty Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Topic: Vascular rejection after kidney transplantation
1st Medical Faculty Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Topic: Vascular rejection after kidney transplantation
1st Medical Faculty Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Topic of PhD thesis: The prediction of early graft function development and rejection of transplant kidney
1st Medical Faculty Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Topic of PhD thesis: The prediction of early graft function development and rejection of transplant kidney
Nephrology Board Exam
1st Medical Faculty Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
1st Medical Faculty Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Internal Medicine Trunk
Institut for Postgradual Education, Prague, Czech Republic
Institut for Postgradual Education, Prague, Czech Republic
1999 - 2006
Medical Faculty
Faculty of Medicine, Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia
Faculty of Medicine, Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia
Courses, Meetings, Conferences
Course for Reviewers to be
European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association
Leiden, The Netherlands
European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association
Leiden, The Netherlands
Introductory Course on Epidemiology
European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association
Salzburg, Austria
European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association
Salzburg, Austria
Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Harvard University, Karolinska Institutet
Treviso, Italy
Harvard University, Karolinska Institutet
Treviso, Italy
2009, 2010
Hesperis Course
European Society for Organ Transplantation
Barcelona, Spain & Edinburgh, Scotland
European Society for Organ Transplantation
Barcelona, Spain & Edinburgh, Scotland
English Language Course: Cambridge E.S.O.L. Examination
Certificate of Advanced English, level C1
Certificate of Advanced English, level C1
Statistics on Biomedical Research
European Center for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, Euromise
Prague, Czech Republic
European Center for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, Euromise
Prague, Czech Republic
Transplant 360
Erasmus Medical Center
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Erasmus Medical Center
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Transplant Preceptorship Program
Großhadern Hospital
Munich, Germany
Großhadern Hospital
Munich, Germany
ESH Educational Master Course on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk
European Society of Hypertension, Prague, Czech Republic
European Society of Hypertension, Prague, Czech Republic
Scientific and research activities
2017 - 2020
Grant of Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
Genetic variability of BKV in the Czech Republic and its influence on pathogenesis of infection in kidney transplant recipients
Genetic variability of BKV in the Czech Republic and its influence on pathogenesis of infection in kidney transplant recipients
2015 - 2018
Grant of Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
Vascular Rejection Phenotype after Kidney Transplantation and Isolated V-lesion
Principal investigator
Vascular Rejection Phenotype after Kidney Transplantation and Isolated V-lesion
Principal investigator
Best Scientific Monography Award of Czech Society of Nephrology
Czech Society of Nephrology Best scientific publication award
Czech Health Ministry Award for Research and Progress
ERA - EDTA Travel Grant, ERA - EDTA Congress 2013 Istanbul
Czech Society of Nephrology Best Young Author Oral Presentation Award, Congress of Czech Society of Nephrology
European Renal Association - European Dialysis Transplantation Association Best Young Author Abstract, ERA - EDTA Congress 2012 Paris
Czech Transplantation Society, Travel Grant, ATC Philadelphia 2011
Wohlfahrtová M, Viklický O, Lischke R. Transplantace orgánů v klinické praxi, Grada 2021. ISBN: 978-80-271-0721-6.
Wohlfahrtová M. Transplantační imunologie. In: Molitor M et al. Transplantace v rekonstrukční chirurgii. 1. vydání. Praha: Grada, 2017.
Urbanová M. Diabetes mellitus po transplantaci ledviny. In: Viklický O, Adamec M, Baláž P. a kol. Transplantace ledviny v klinické praxi. Grada 2008.
Urbanová M. Hematologické komplikace po transplantaci ledviny. In Viklický O, Adamec M, Baláž P. a kol. Transplantace ledviny v klinické praxi. Grada 2008.
Salakova M, Ludvikova V, Hamsikova V, Kolariova M, Sroller V, Viklicky O, and Wohlfahrtova M.
Pretransplantation seroreactivity in kidney donors and recipients as a predictive factor for posttransplant BKPyV viremia. Front. Immunol. 2022 Jul 251(13):929-946.
Pretransplantation seroreactivity in kidney donors and recipients as a predictive factor for posttransplant BKPyV viremia. Front. Immunol. 2022 Jul 251(13):929-946.
Hruba P, Krejcik Z, Stranecky V, Maluskova J, Slatinska J, Gueler F, Gwinner W, Brasen JH, Wohlfahrtova M, Parikova A, Osickova K, Fronek J, Seda O, Prefertusova L, Honsova E, Viklicky O. Molecular patterns discriminate accommodation and subclinical antibody-mediated rejection in kidney transplantation. Transplantatation 2019, accepted for publication
Wohlfahrtova M, Hruba P, Klema J, Novotny M, Krejcik Z, Stranecky V, Honsova E, Vichova P, Viklicky O. Early isolated V-lesion may not truly represent rejection of the kidney allograft. Clin Sci. 2018 132(20):2269-84.
Novotny M, Hruba P, Vichova P, Maluskova J, Honsova E, Viklicky O, Wohlfahrtova M. Isolated v-lesion resents a benign phenotype of vascular rejection of the kidney allograft - a retrospective study. Transpl Int. 2018 31(10):1153-63.
Wohlfahrtova M, Viklicky O. New strategies for evaluating the quality of kidney grafts from elderly donors. Transplant Rev 2015 29: 212-8.
Wohlfahrtova M, Tycova I, Honsova E, Lodererova A, Viklicky O. Molecular Patterns of Subclinical and Clinical Rejection of Kidney Allograft: Quantity Matters. Kidney Blood Press Res 2015 40:244-257.
Wohlfahrtova M, Viklicky O. Recent trials in immunosuppression and their consequences for current therapy. Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2014 Aug 19(4):387-94.
Keddis MT, El Ters M, Rodrigo E, Dean P, Wohlfahrtova M, Kudva YC, Lorenz EC, Cosio FG. Enhanced posttransplant management of patients with diabetes improves patient outcomes. Kidney Int. 2014 Sep 86(3):610-8.
Balaz P, Rokosny S, Wohlfahrt P, Wohlfahrtova M, Adamec M, Janousek L, Fronek J, Viklicky O, Pokorna E. Dual kidney transplant: a single-center experience and review of the literature.
Exp Clin Transplant. 2013 Oct 11(5):388-95.
Exp Clin Transplant. 2013 Oct 11(5):388-95.
Wohlfahrtova M, Brabcova I, Zelezny F, Balaz P, Janousek L, Honsova E, Lodererova A, Wohlfahrt P, Viklicky O. Tubular atrophy and low netrin-1 gene expression are associated with delayed kidney allograft function. Transplantation 2014 Jan 27 97(2):176-83.
Balaz P, Rokosny S, Wohlfahrtova M, Wohlfahrt P, Bartonova A, Pokorna E, Honsova E, and Viklicky O. Identification of Expanded Criteria Donor Kidney Grafts at Lower Risk of Delayed Graft Function. Transplantation 2013 Oct 15 96(7):633-8.
Slatinska J, Rohal T, Wohlfahrtova M, and Viklicky O. Long-term Follow-up of Stable Kidney Transplant Recipients After Conversion From Tacrοlimus Twice Daily Immediate Release to Tacrοlimus Once-daily Prolonged Release: A Large Single-Center Experience. Transplant Proc. 2013 May 45(4):1491-6.
Urbanova M, Brabcova I, Girmanova E, Zelezny F, Viklicky O. Differential regulation of the nuclear factor-κB pathway by rabbit antithymocyte globulins in kidney transplantation. Transplantation 2012 Mar 27 93(6): 589-96.
Girmanova E, Brabcova I, Klema J, Hribova P, Wohlfartova M, Skibova J, Viklicky O. Molecular networks involved in the immune control of BK polyomavirus. Clin Dev Immunol, 2012.
Viklicky O, Krystufkova E, Brabcova I, Sekerkova A, Wohlfahrt P, Hribova P, Wohlfahrtova M, Sawitzki B, Slatinska J, Striz I, Volk HD, Reinke P. B-cell-related biomarkers of tolerance are up-regulated in rejection-free kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation 2013 Jan 15 95(1):148-5.
Viklicky O, Netuka I, Urbanova M, Adamec M, Maly J, Voska L, Pokorna E. Kidney Transplantation from a Brain-dead Heart Transplant Candidate Treated with Biventricular Assist Device: 12-Month Follow-up. NDT plus, 2008 1(1):34-35.
Urbanova M, Kalousova M, Zima T, Skibova J, Wohlfahrt P, and Viklicky O. Fetuin-A Early after Renal Transplantation. Kidney Blood Press Res. 2009 32(3):217-22.
Wohlfahrtová, M. Jaké příznaky by měly praktického lékaře upozornit na renální onemocnění, kdy odeslat pacienta ke specialistovi. Practicus 2016 15(3):13-17. ISSN: 1213-8711.
Novotný M, Wohlfahrtová M, Viklický O. Pokroky v diagnostice a léčbě komplexu tuberózní sklerózy. Postgraduální medicína 2015 17(5): 472-477.
Wohlfahrtová, M, Černoch, M, Viklický O. Stárnoucí dárce ledviny k transplantaci. Postgraduální medicína 2015 17(5):563-569.
Řepová B., Wohlfahrtová M, Viklický O. Těhotenství po transplantaci ledviny nepředstavuje riziko pro ztrátu štěpu. Aktuality v nefrologii, 2013 11(1), 78-81.
Viklický O, Slatinská J, Bürgelová M, Vítko S, Urbanová M, Lazanská R, Hanzal V, Bandúr S, Teplan V, Matl I, Janousek L, Honsová E, Drastichová M, Malý J. Kidney transplantation at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Cas Lek Cesk. 2011 150(1):56-9.
Mraz M, Urbanova M, Wohlfahrt P, Podracka L. The Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) and Cardiovascular Risk in Pediatric Population (Mozgový nátriuretický peptid (BNP) a kardiovaskulárne riziko v detskom veku). Čes.-slov. Pediat. 2006 61(2): 89-94.
Membership In Medical Societies
Founder and President of Young Transplantologist Platform at SOT, 2015-2017
Czech Medical Association, member
Sdružení praktických lékařů ČR, member
Společnost všeobecného lékařství (Association of General Practioners), Czech Republic, member
Peer reviewer of scientific manuscripts (Transplant International)