Lucie Kletečková, MD
Dr. Kletečková is a specialist in dermatology with extensive experience and she's also a member of several medical societies.
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Date of birth
Medical Employment
2022 - PRESENT
Concierge Medicine Europe
2014 - PRESENT
Canadian Medical
2008 - PRESENT
Department of Dermatology at Military University Hospital in Prague
2002 - 2008
Department of Dermatology at the Faculty Hospital Na Bulovce, Department of Dermatovenerology of the the Second Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University, and the Faculty Hospital of Na Bulovce
Education And Qualifications
2013 - 2016
Homeopathic academy
Specialized competence in the field of dermatovenerology
Obtained license in dermatovenerology from the Czech Medical Chamber
First attestation in the field of dermatovenerology
1996 - 2002
First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague
ŠIPULOVÁ Lucie, VOJÁČKOVÁ Naděžda, SCHMIEDBERGEROVÁ Renata, HERCOGOVÁ Jana. Could primary lymphoedema cause general signs and sympoms? XXXIII. Kongres Evropské
ymfologické společnosti a LYMPHO 2007, Praha, 12.–13. 5. 2007, The European Journal of lymphology and related problems, 17, 51, 2007, p. 25
ymfologické společnosti a LYMPHO 2007, Praha, 12.–13. 5. 2007, The European Journal of lymphology and related problems, 17, 51, 2007, p. 25
ŠIPULOVÁ Lucie, SCHMIEDBERGEROVÁ Renata, HERCOGOVÁ Jana. Pityriasis rubra pilaris léčená jako psoriáza, 13. pražské dermatologické symposium, Praha, 21.–22. 9. 2007
SIPULOVA Lucie, SCHMIEDBERGEROVA Renata, HERCOGOVA Jana. Hemangioma eruption in adults. 21st World Congress of Dermatology. Buenos Aires, 29. 9. – 5. 10. 2007
Scientific and research activities
Enbrel Study, safety and effectivity of Etanercept in the treatment of psoriasis
ROZEHNALOVÁ Zuzana, ŠIPULOVÁ Lucie, KŘÍŽKOVÁ Veronika, HERCOGOVÁ Jana. Hojení bércových vředů. Remedia, 2008, č.18, s.223-228
ROZEHNALOVÁ Zuzana, ŠEBKOVÁ Martina, ŠIPULOVÁ Lucie, VOJÁČKOVÁ Naděžda. Současné možnosti terapie acne vulgaris. Edukafarm Medinews, 2005, č. 1, s.47–50
Membership In Medical Societies
2008 - 2012
European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology
Czech Dermatovenerology Society of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně
Czech academy of dermatovenereology